Abu Dhabi through your eyes

On Sunday I went to Manarat al Saadyiat with one of my tour guide colleagues, to have a look at the exhibitions going on there in preparation for a job we had later on in the week.

At the moment they are having on display the winners and special mentions from the prestigious photography award competition 'Abu Dhabi through your eyes'.

This years' shortlisted and winning entries cover most of what really is Abu Dhabi, throughout six different categories, such as landscape, sports and culture to name a few.

We also walked through the quite unusual photographic exhibit by Jassim Al Awadhi, called 'Presence of Absence'.

Jassim Al Awadhi was born in Dubai in 1961 and is considered a pioneer among Emirati photographers. This exhibit is exploring forsaken settlements in the desert, and echoes the existence of the people who once lived there. Al Awadhi believes the energy is still there, at all times.

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